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Worship is YOUR Weapon!!

Writer's picture: Touching His HemTouching His Hem

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

Did you know the God gave you weapons? Yes, when the enemy attacks you or your loved ones you have spiritual weapons to fight back.

One of these mighty weapons is worship.

Let me explain. Many times, we as believers use prayer and the Word to battle, but if we don’t see change in the situation we give up. God is calling you to press in and we normally stop if we don’t see instant results. We just say something like, “Well I guess it is God’s will for me.” Lies!! Lies!!! Lies!!! Such lies from the enemy.

The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to give you life and that more abundantly. John 10:10

The enemy is a liar and he wants to deceive you into believing that God is not protecting you because of your situation. He has been deceiving humans since The Garden. Prayer and the Word are powerful tools to cut the enemy off at the knees, but you have more weapons. One amazing weapon is worship!!!

Worship is so powerful that it causes the very presence of God to come down. He will send His angels to go before you and battle for you because of your worship. Worship is sweet to the Father.

Worship can shift atmospheres. Let’s look at one of my favorite biblical stories.

In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat and people of Judah where surronded by their enemies. The King cried out to God in prayer and then he proclaimed a fast. The people fasted and they consecrated themselves to the Lord. King Jehoshaphat had heard from God and he and his people were prepared for the battle. Although they were outnumbered, they put their full trust in God.

You see the King could have surrendered to his enemies, but he turned to God and used two weapons!!! Prayer and Fasting. Prayer was used for adoration, submission and direction. Fasting in this case was used for clarity, submission, yielding and to build their faith.

How did God respond to their prayer and fasting? He sent a messenger to assure them that “This Battle is not theirs, but it Belongs to the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 20:14-17 With their confidence fully in God, the King sent forth the worshippers and the praisers ahead of the Army!!! WOW!!!

Guess what? It totally confused their enemies and their enemies turned on each other. Their worship was so beautiful to the Father that he sent “ambushments” into the enemies camp and THEY KILLED EACH OTHER!!! Amazing!!!

Realize you have power and authority. It is in your praise and worship. Use your weapon of worship to fight the attacks of the enemy. Set the atmosphere in your home by playing worship music. Change the atmosphere at your workplace by making melody in your heart. You are an atmosphere shifter-an atmosphere changer!! Shift your atmosphere of worry to worship and watch God move!!!



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