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Watch Your Words

Writer's picture: Touching His HemTouching His Hem

I know many of you have heard this saying before, "Watch Your Words!!" We as believers emphasize being careful with what we speak because our words have power.

Things like, "you get on my nerves" or "I love you to death" are phrases that come to mind that are very common place in our vocabulary, but when spoken can actually bring forth what is spoken.

Proverbs 18:21 ESV

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

In other words, what we speak can bring forth death or life. We have a choice in what we want to bring forth.

Something happened to me on this week. I heard in my spirit, Mary, I want you to meditate on this scripture.

Psalms 19:14 ESV

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

As I heard the Holy Spirit speak, I had to repent and meditate on the scripture. You see the words that I was speaking were no pleasing to Him.

My heart posture was out of alignment and therefore, the words that were coming from me were speaking death and not life.

First, I repented and I asked for forgiveness. Secondly, I mediated on scriptures that brought my heart back in alignment. Lastly, I begin to worship. Why add worship? I recognized that I needed to give God glory for letting me know where my words were not bringing Him glory. Also, worship fills the heart with His presence. It is a sign of surrender.

God knows we will not do things just right all the time, but His expectation is when He brings it to our attention we quickly get it together.

Acknowledging, where we fall short takes nothing from us, but when we stay there in a place of disobedience is when we can cause an open door for the enemy. We are just inviting the enemy to come in and take a seat.

Remember, what is in the heart will come out the mouth. So if life giving words are coming from your mouth then you will speak live giving words. However, if you are being judgemental, critical, gossipy, etc. then it is time to uproot some issues of the heart.

Time to spend some time in the presence of God. When you neglect time with God, you will notice your Words begin to shift from being life giving to bringing forth words that bring forth death. Let your Words Bring Life, so Watch Your Words.


Are your words bringing death or life to those around you?

Does what you say cause growth or bring edification to those around you?

Have you spent some quiet time in the presence of the Father lately?


Father, forgive us. We repent for not spending time in your presence. We know that time away from you will allow the old man to raise up. So we choose to rest in your presence. We choose to feast on your Word, which brings life to those areas of our heart that needs healing. Father, continue to touch our tongues that we will say only what You want us to say. Let us mediate on those things that are true, things that are honest, things are that just, things that are pure, things that are lovely, things that are of good report. We will mediate on the truth of who You are. We see You working!!! We see You moving Father!! We bless you Father!!! In the Mighty Name of Jesus.



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