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Writer's pictureTouching His Hem

Wait on God-Your Transformation is a Process

Some years back I was talking to a friend  and we were discussing how God changes us. When we encounter Him there is a transformation that takes place as we yield our hearts to the Father.

While we were talking, I thought about a caterpillar and how they change and transform into a butterfly. It is truly a God thing.

My son’s favorite book as a child was “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. The story is a journey in the life of the caterpillar as he goes through a metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly.

He entered into the world as a small egg. He wakes up hungry and he goes in search of food. He starts off eating one of this and the two of that. With each new day, his hunger increased until he is so stuffed with food that he can’t move.

This illustration is much like us. God created us and in us is a longing for Him. However, many of us don’t know that the longing inside us is for a relationship with Him. Many of us go through life feasting on a variety of things to satisfy that hunger or longing that only Jesus can satisfy.

We stuff ourselves with the pleasures of this world only to be left empty and longing for more, but never really finding fulfillment.

However, when you think about the caterpillar in the story he found a place to rest after fulfilling his hunger. He rested and as he rested a transformation begin to take place. He became completely covered in this protective covering called a chrysalis. While in the covering, he was being transformed. Changed. Made New.

When you find Jesus, you find rest. Rest from the toils of this world. Rest from the heartache and rest from the struggles. Not only do you find rest, but He covers you and transforms you. It is a process, but it is worth it. Because just as the caterpillar bursts forth into a beautiful butterfly, you too will burst forth into everything that God has ordained you to be. 

Many want to rush their process because the process can be painful. However, if you will allow God to take you through your process God will do a great work. Sit there and allow the Father remove those things that are keeping you from knowing Him on a deeper level. It’s time to wait and be completely transformed.


And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6 ESV

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1 ESV

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