Hebrews 11:6 KJV
But without Faith it is impossible to please Him: For He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Some of the top areas of fear are:
1) Fear of failure
2) Fear of judgement
3) Fear of change
4) Fear of of the unknown
5) Fear of losing control
Fear has truly been on the heart of God for HIs people. I have seen prophetic words regarding no fear. I saw a Tik Tok video today about Faith over Fear. I even received a devotional page with a scripture journal with the theme, "No Fear." Do you believe that God is speaking?
I have learned that one way God speaks is through repetition. When He wants to get His point across to His children He will speak repetitively. What is the repetitive message that He is saying? God is saying, "No Fear, my children," "Have Faith in Me."
There are so many scriptures that tells us to have faith. The word faith appears 336 times in the word of God. I think God wants us to have faith everyone.
However, it is not enough to have faith, it must be exercised. It must be applied.
Scripture Declares-So faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17.
So if you don't have faith it can come to you. By hearing the Word and the more you hear it out of your mouth the more faith will come. It most be spoken.
I remember one day while driving to work. I had a really awful morning and the enemy was speaking to me with his lies. I begin to quote one scripture for about 30 minutes and the torment stop. What did I do? I heard the Word, faith came and the enemy had to go.
He can't stand it when we BELIEVERS actually BELIEVE. You see as I spoke the Word something in me rose up. My faith rose up and I begin to speak the Word with boldness and authority. I begin to believe. It is not enough to say it. You must say it until you believe it.
Know this, there is nothing to hard for God. Whatever the reason, God is able to help you to overcome it to reach your destiny and purpose. Put your faith in action and overcome fear.
Has fear stopped you from pursuing your dreams?
Do you believe that God is able?
How can you use scripture fight fear i.e. write, record it?
Father God, we trust you. We know that you are well able to help us to overcome any and all fear. We Trust you in every situation. Father, our hope is in you and there is nothing to hard for you my God. Your Word declares to come to you all you that are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Many are burdened down with fear. We need you to lift our burdens oh God. Lord, when we trust You and reverence You fear has to flee. Father, our faith has come because we believe Your Word and we will declare it today Father. In the Mighty Name of Jesus.
